Are There Episodes Of Your Favorite Show That Fall A Little Flat With You?

Whether your favorite show features a large cast, expansive sets, multiple sets, outdoor scenes that are breathtaking, every show does this. They occasionally will shoot what they call a 'Bottle Episode.' That's an episode filmed entirely in one location, with a limited cast. It gives that one episode a different feel from the series as a whole. Breaking Bad has that one episode filmed entirely in the lab where Walter White is trying to swat a fly that's annoying him. The motivation is usually to save money after production cost overruns on other episodes. But sometimes, classic TV moments are created, like the episode of Seinfeld that features just Jerry, George and Elaine standing in the lobby of a Chinese restaurant waiting to get a table. That was an episode on a budget, but the writing made it one of the best Seinfeld episodes ever.

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